Arduino Day 2021 Kuwait

Arduino Day is a 24 hour birthday celebration of all things Arduino, organized by the Arduino community, for the community – sharing the passion around the globe.
About Arduino Day (Online Event) Link: will be shared on Instagram
Arduino Day is a worldwide birthday celebration of Arduino. It’s a 24 hour-long event – organized directly by the community, or by the Arduino founders – that brings people together to share their experiences and learn more about the open-source platform.
Who Can Participate?
All user groups, makerspaces, hackerspaces, fablabs, associations, teachers, professionals, and newbies are welcome.
What Can You Do During Arduino Day?
You can attend our online event whether you are a Maker, an engineer, a designer, a developer or an educator: Arduino Day is open to anyone who wants to celebrate the amazing things that have been done (or can be done!) with the open-source platform. The events will feature different types of activities, tailored to local audiences all over the world.
Arduino Team and Community Events
Organize a Community Event
In 2019, 659 events were held by members of the Arduino community in more than a 100 countries. Let’s join together to make 2021 a record year!